Bella Clinic
About Bella Clinic
Bella Clinic is an LCP certified aesthetic clinic, specializing in a wide range of services tailored to enhance their customer's natural beauty.
Although Bella Clinic has top-tier services and strong products, its reduced reach on social media meant less customers were knew about their latest promotions or newest products.
TOYOKO came up with a strategy to focus on Bella Clinic's social media engagement and find ways to communicate its products and services to customers more effectively.
TOYOKO helped produce some engaging videos for Bella Clinic, showcasing the various products and services the clinic has to offer. This allows information to spread to more customers in a more attractive way. These posts were also made regularly by TOYOKO, which makes the brand stick in customer's minds.
Bella Clinic CI
Data shows the constant growth of social media engagement for Bella Clinic in February 2024
For more information on our digital marketing company, call us at +6 03 2202 4080 or via email at